This is the most wonderful promise in all of Scripture after we have been saved. We are not alone! Jesus is always with us. He is there to provide comfort, support, love when we feel all alone; instruction, direction, finances, when we need direction.
As a single person it is hard sometimes when I feel alone in my struggles. But I am not alone. Jesus is with me. Sometimes it is easier to believe when I see friends around me, but He wants me to turn to Him.
It is an easy thing to say, to look to the things unseen, but it is hard to work out, especially when I see married couples say these things. But He has promised to be my sufficency. He has promised never to leave me nor forsake me. Some ways to get firmer faith in this promise is to meditate on the Sciptures, pray, practice the Presence of God, pray... Prayer that is honest and open, calling out to Him, is so important.
People need to realize that Jesus has come to forgive our sins SO THAT we could have a relationship with Him and He promises never to leave us. The God of the universe wants created us so that He could walk with us, be with us. When we sin, it hurts Him, it puts a block between us, but He sent Jesus to die and raise again so that we might have restored fellowship with Him when we repent and ask forgiveness.
I know that when I feel this veil between or disconnected from Him, it is my lack of faith, and it hurts me too. I know that I must come back to that relationship with repentance. And when I still feel bad about my lack of faith, I must realize that if I have repented then there is no veil and be thankful.
All He wants is true repentence and turning from my sin. He has forgiven and I must forgive myself. And sweet fellowship is reestablished as I seek Him.