Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
by Jane Clarke Myers on Monday, March 11, 2013 at 4:30pm ·
" Thoughts on Today's Verse...
As my heart delights in God, God's will, and God's purposes, I find an amazing truth at work when I desire what God wills, God enjoys giving me the desires of my heart. An old hymn used the phrase, "'til I am wholly lost in Thee." When that happens, when our will is yielded to God and our heart delights to honor him, then God is longingly waiting for us to request the desires of our heart so he can bless us!
Holy LORD, God of our Fathers and great Giver of every perfect gift, thank you for longing to bless me and pour the riches of your grace upon me. Please touch my heart to desire your will and then to boldly ask you to accomplish it to your glory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
Thoughts from my heart...
The thoughts above were written by a writer for "Heartlight." This goes against what some people think, that as long as we are a Christian, believe in Him and following Him, whatever we want-within normal limits, He will grant us. I have struggled with this verse because I have desired a perfectly normal thing such as a happy relationship/marriage with a Christian guy and yet God has not seen fit to grant me that lasting relationship. I do not understand why, especially with this verse, but I have come to the conclusion, that no one is good enough for me- lol Just kidding. But perhaps, I needed to see that I don't NEED a man, that God has made me stronger than I think I am- or thought I was. And God wants something big for me that will only be filled as I am single.
I do want to travel more to various countries. I have political views that are fairly strong and may not sit well with a husband. I want to write more, which might be put on the back-burner with a serious relationship. And I really feel for the Single Christian who has not been addressed enough in the church. Somehow, although there are so many activities for married people, adolescents/teenagers, kids, seniors (married or not), the Singles from 40- 65 are left out. I would like to help them and maybe could do that better as a single person. I'm getting off the subject, but the point is that we need to trust God in the midst of whatever we are enduring and believe that He is there to give us what He thinks is best for us. Trusting God, seeing His way is best is the answer. Our focus does need to be on Him and what He wants to do through us, not what we want.