Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cleaning our Temple

          Things are happening all around the world: Natural disasters, like earthquakes in different counties to different extents- Haiti, Chile, and poor Japan, etc., tsunamis, esp, in Japan, tornadoes like in Missouri, and the South, floods in our Midwest, etc., and man-educed disasters, like bombings and now the debt problems, the overall downward spiral of morals everywhere, and abortions still continuing.

         I do believe the time is getting close to where Jesus will return for His Bride. I believe there will be the rapture of the Church, which will come without warning, so we are to be on the lookout for the "signs of the times". And the scientists as well as the observant person can see things are coming to a head.

      That being the case, we need to "clean our house". By this I mean ourselves, our minds/emotions. I am not outwardly doing wrong things but it is my mind that needs revamping. I am in the process of cleaning out fear, anger, bitterness, jealousy, unforgiveness, feelings of insecurity and low self-worth.

      How do I/we do that? It is not within ourselves but through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Name of Jesus! And His guide is through the Word and the quickening of our spirits through the witness of hearing God's voice deep inside of us (through the Holy Spirit), as well as through other people.

      Recognizing fear and anger and bitterness and low self esteem as what they are, not from God and definitely not natural, is the first step I believe.

     God loves me, He created me to be the unique person I am and to do His work. He wants me to be me and 1st to love Him. The 2nd then, is to see myself the way He sees me. He created me different from every other person on this earth. I do not need to have low self-esteem, I am just as important as anyone else. Reguardless of people who have put me down or who have hurt me, He loves me more than that. And the experiences I have had can be used to help others.  I need to really get that deep in my mind that He has good plans to use me. He wants the best for me and that is to be an instrument for Him to flow in and through..

      I have to know that I do not need to fear, that He loves me and will be with me and take care of me and my loved ones. Whatever happens in life, He is with me, I need to trust Him more and more. And in daily living He will be with me to bring me through. I may not know everything with my job, but He can work it out.

       Also I must realize that anger has no place to stay. It can rear its ugly head but it must not stay. Bitterness towards the past or to people is useless. I am who I am- they are who they are. If people have hurt me or just basically ignored me, they are sinners just like me- I don't always act the best towards people either. What they do may be wrong but I need to forgive for Jesus's sake regardless. He loves me and THAT is the most important. He loves me but He also loves the other people. And I need to love them because He loves them, to please Him.

      Friends that I may fear losing or have already lost- He has a reason for them being in my life at the time they are, reasons why they leave, and it is not my fault, ultimately. He has a greater purpose in mind. If I lose a very special friend- and I have lost several that have moved out of my life through death or through just moving and losing touch- He will never leave me. He wants me to depend on Him. As someone said, we are to hold all relationships loosely. If we depend too much on someone, then God may not want that. He wants us to depend on Him.

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